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The Procedure
Restoring your tooth with a crown may take 2 or 3 dental visits.  Expect to wait 2 to 3 weeks between appointments.  Follow the instructions that your dentist gives you.

Preparing Your Tooth
Before preparing your tooth for a crown, your dentist may first numb the tooth with a local anesthetic.  Then, the tooth is reduced and shaped.  Any decay is removed.  Your tooth may also need rebuilding if larger parts are missing.  A mold is taken of the prepared tooth and the surrounding teeth.  A temporary crown is applied to protect the prepared tooth between visits.

Between Visits 
The mold of your teeth is sent to the lab to make your permanent crown.  Meanwhile, take good care of your temporary crown.  Follow the tips below:

  • Avoid eating hard or sticky foods.
  • Brush gently at the gumline around the temporary crown.
  • Carefully floss between your teeth.  To remove the floss, pll it out from the side of the tooth - not the top.

Fitting Your Permanent Crown
Your dentist removes the temporary crown and places the permanent crown on your tooth.  He or she fits the crown and makes sure your bite feels normal.  Once you both agree the crown fits right, it is cemented in place.  Your dentist also makes sure that the shape of your tooth has been restored


A crown is made of gold, other metals, or porcelain.  It can also be made of resin or porcelain and metal.  when choosing a crown, think about how it will look and how long it will last.  Talk with your dentist about the type of crown that may be best for you.

Gold Crown - this crown is made of gold, it is very strong and won’t break.  Because this type of crown is not tooth-colored, it may not be the best choice for a front tooth.

Tooth-colored Crown - A tooth-colored crown is made of porcelain or reinforced resin.  It comes in a range of shades to blend with your other teeth.

Combination Crown -  Porcelain is fused on top of metal, making this crown appear tooth-colored.  The metal at its base makes the crown stronger than a procelain or resin crown, but it is not as strong as a metal crown.